Conf = Comm. Coast Region = New England State = MA Nickname = Colonels Coach = Caitlin Robe
Team Power Rating = 67.4853973
Date Opponent Conf/State (W-L, PR) Score
301 H Dean NECC ( 9- 8, 67.1) 16- 7
303 A UMass-Dartmouth Little East ( 7- 8, 68.5) 12-11
308 H Wellesley NEWMAC ( 5-11, 71.5) 5-11
313 A Marywood Atlantic East (13- 6, 79.1) 3-17
316 A Farmingdale State Skyline ( 8-10, 72.6) 4-13
322 H Clark NEWMAC ( 5-10, 69.1) 12-17
325 A Gordon Comm. Coast ( 7-10, 68.9) 10-18
329 A University of New Engl Comm. Coast (10- 7, 75.3) 6-18
331 H Roger Williams Comm. Coast (15- 7, 88.5) 4-20
404 A Western New England Comm. Coast (13- 6, 82.8) 5-21
407 H Mitchell NECC ( 3- 9, 53.6) 21- 4
412 H Nichols Comm. Coast (10- 7, 71.2) 9- 8
415 H Salve Regina Comm. Coast ( 9- 8, 76.7) 9-18
418 H Endicott Comm. Coast (11- 8, 85.5) 2-18
426 A Wentworth Comm. Coast ( 0-12, 59.9) 20- 4
429 A Western New England Comm. Coast (13- 6, 82.8) 12-20
|Real = actual goal margin |
|Pred = predicted goal margin |
|+ = slightly above prediction |
|++ = above prediction |
|+++ = well above prediction |
|- = slightly below prediction |
|-- = below prediction |
|--- = well below prediction |
|Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-) |
| prediction. N/A when ten |
| goal limit is exceeded |
|n/a = Outside division |
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals*
301 H Dean 16- 7 9 0 +++ 6.02
303 A UMass-Dartmouth 12-11 1 -1 + 2.66
308 H Wellesley 5-11 -6 -3 - -2.60
313 A Marywood 3-17 -14 -12 0.00
316 A Farmingdale State 4-13 -9 -5 -1.22
322 H Clark 12-17 -5 0 -- -4.00
325 A Gordon 10-18 -8 -2 -- -4.95
329 A University of New Engl 6-18 -12 -8 0.00
331 H Roger Williams 4-20 -16 -20 0.00
404 A Western New England 5-21 -16 -15 0.00
407 H Mitchell 21- 4 17 14 0.00
412 H Nichols 9- 8 1 -3 ++ 4.12
415 H Salve Regina 9-18 -9 -8 0.00
418 H Endicott 2-18 -16 -17 0.00
426 A Wentworth 20- 4 16 6 0.00
429 A Western New England 12-20 -8 -15 0.00
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals*
322 H Clark 12-17 -5 0 -- -4.00
325 A Gordon 10-18 -8 -2 -- -4.95
308 H Wellesley 5-11 -6 -3 - -2.60
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals*
301 H Dean 16- 7 9 0 +++ 6.02
412 H Nichols 9- 8 1 -3 ++ 4.12
303 A UMass-Dartmouth 12-11 1 -1 + 2.66
Power Rating............. 67.49 Power Rank................. 202
SOS (PR) Rating.......... 47.33 SOS (PR) Rank.............. 144
SOS (RPI) Rating......... .5300 SOS (RPI) Rank............. 175
RPI Rating............... .4277 RPI Rank................... 200
Champ. Probability ...... 0.0 Championship Rank ......... 65
Selection sum ........... 615 Selection Rank ............ 209
Qual Win (PR) Rating..... -250. Qual Win (PR) Rank......... 239
Qual Win (RPI) Rating.... -250. Qual Win (RPI) Rank........ 240
Ave Offensive Goals ..... 9.4 Ave Defensive Goals ....... 14.1
Wins/Losses(all )...... 5-11 Ave Goal diff (all )..... -4.7
Wins/Losses(top 5)...... 0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 5).....
Wins/Losses(top 10)...... 0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 10).....
Wins/Losses(2nd 10)...... 0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 20).....
Wins/Losses(last 3)...... 1- 2 Ave Goal diff (last 3)..... -2.7